Tell Congress: Forgive Medical Debt!
Tell Congress: Forgive Medical Debt!
The United States is the richest country in the world; no one here should go broke because they fall sick. Yet medical debt, which impacts 4 in 10 people, is the leading cause of bankruptcy for middle- and working-class Americans.
Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Nobody should have to go into debt and face financial ruin just for getting sick or injured.
Congress can forgive medical debt and wipe the slate clean by passing bold initiatives like the Medical Debt Cancelation Act that was just introduced in Congress by Bernie Sanders and Ro Khanna and would:
Cancel all existing medical debt.
Wipe medical debt from all credit reports.
Limit the accrual of future medical debt.
Sign if you agree: Americans shouldn't go broke when they fall sick. Congress must ease this burden and deliver medical debt forgiveness.
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