Our Revolution

DMV: DNC Forum Rally

This is an important action — and we need to show up in force to demand a Democratic Party that is a TRUE Opposition Party to Trump and the Oligarchs.
The DNC is NEXT WEEK, and just 448 insiders will vote on new leadership. Join us for the LAST official DNC Candidate Forum in Washington, D.C. at 2pm Thursday, Jan. 30th.
This is our Last Best Chance for the grassroots to demand incoming party leadership REJECT Corporate Influence and return to the party of the working class.
WHEN: 2 PM Thursday, Jan. 30th
WHERE: Gaston Hall, Georgetown Univ., 37TH & O Streets NW, Wash. D.C.
Democrats must address the needs of working people if they want to win.
We've amassed more than 10,000 signatures calling for these crucial party reforms:
     - Ban Dark Money in Primaries & Reject Corporate Money
     - Invest in State Parties & Uplift Grassroots Organizing
     - Make the DNC Budget Transparent & Hold Consultants Accountable
     - Commit to a Working Class Platform & Small Donor Democracy
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