Our Revolution

Pledge to Vote for Keith Ellison!

Pledge to Vote for Keith Ellison!


Minnesota Attorney General and Our Revolution Board Member Keith Ellison joined a National Organizing Call to talk about how to communicate our progressive values to voters during the 2022 elections.

“We all want safety and security. Equality of the law means neither fear nor favor — you hold folks accountable even if they’re wearing a badge,” Keith said. “Part of our movement is trying to establish basic respect and decency for all human beings.”

He’s expecting a tough race this year — like most progressives across the country, he’s the target of the billionaires’ smear machine, but we’ve overcome it before and we can do it again.

His opponent is a dangerous hedge fund executive who believes that women should not have the right to control their bodies, and believes that corporate criminals should not face consequences.

Sign up here to pledge to vote for Keith Ellison by November 8th!

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